Tag Archives: crafts

creative inspiration

It is the last week of level 3. And with the snow last week we have been cramming everything to be done by the end of this week.  I can’t believe it is two weeks into June already.

I met someone who has the most amazing creations. She uses a variety of things such as fake fur, horns and eyes to make sculptures, hats, epic costumes and jewellery etc. Here is here blog,

After seeing what she has been able to do with a little ingenuity and creativity I have become inspired. It has dawned on me that Armageddon expo is in Christchurch THIS MONTH. 30th June/1st July at the Stables, Addington Raceway. And the plans for the Black Cat costume have been wiped out (as I was planning on sewing much of the costume I will not have time for it). BUT after seeing Wolf’s costumes I came up with a new costume idea. I have already started with the process of buying material, drawing drafts and asking my sewing friends for help (since I have lil to none experience)… But I will get it done. But that will probably mean the list of things I set to achieve by the end of June will be put aside while I try to complete this costume before 30th June

I will reveal more about my costume with drawings and such in another post.

alright busy as always, signing out.


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