Tag Archives: harmonica

Goals reconsidered

I started my journey of 101 goals almost a year ago now (a year coming 27 Jan) and I have accomplished some good ones already so far.  There has been a feeling nagging me to review my goals. While I made the journey with the intention of doing every goal I started with, I think it would be better to adjust them to goals I feel accomplished in achieving, instead of stubbornly completing a goal that I feel is no longer relevant to me or my ambitions.

Many of these may sound like excuses but I know myself and due to my current job/location (super isolated)  I’ve considered some goals unattainable if I do not adjust them.

Goals that I am kicking off the list:

#Blog for 365 days- I need to be able to accomplish a smaller goal (like blog for 30 days etc) to be able even thinking about doing this. Managing work and keeping up everyday with this goal isn’t doing me any favours. l Plus I have crappy internet where I’m living for the next 5 months there will be no way I can post everyday…

#365 photos challenge & Make my own 365 project- Similar reason- I need to prove to myself I can commit- so need to finish something short and work my way up to this some day.

#Learn how to do a backflip- I think this is an unreasonable goal now that I look at it. It doesn’t improve me. Only be a cool skill…

#Read all the books by my favourite author- My favourite author.. when I used to read-when I was younger and reading it now that I’m more mature it just doesnt have the same appeal though I still love N.M Browns books. Also I have no access to a library that I can read all his books at. Now that I’m trying to read new things (due to my other reading goals) I hope to find a new favourite anyway …

#make and drink all the drinks mentioned in lmfao’s shot music video – I remember when this goal was made- in spur of the moment with the influence of flatmates. Truly, this goal is not me at all. So I see no point in making a goal that doesn’t do anything for who I am.

Goals I am replacing them with:

#52 week project- I think while doing something everyday might be a hard ask, getting something done in a week might be attainable. I’m still thinking about what theme to choose but I’ll need a flexible theme that I can stick with for a year.

#Learn the basics of Parkour- This has always been something I’ve always wanted to do. I even had it on my goals list with Daggars. I do not know how it wasn’t on this list. It will be difficult in my location (no walls/buildings etc to play off/around) but I’ll incorporate it into my visits home..hopefully.

#make at least 5 things I have pinned on my “I want to make this” board – I just feel more and more creative. I loved making my Princess mononoke costume, I’m curious of what other things I’m capable of crafting.

#Learn to play harmonica- Another skill I’ve always wanted but somehow missed the list. Harmonica is a beautiful sounding instrument and one that doesn’t require fingers to play. (The reason I can’t play guitar/piano)

#Learn how to make amigurumi- This may or may not work for me but I find all the sorts of amigurumi designs inspiring and spark me full of creativity. I don’t know if I’ll be able to make one as I’ve never knitted/crocheted or followed this kin of written instructions before.

#29 gifts movement– Give something, anything for 29 days.


Posted by on January 17, 2013 in Uncategorized


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